LIVE Webinar Exam Prep Special Offer



LIVE Webinar Exam Prep Course Special Offer

LIVE Webinar Exam Prep Course

This interactive LIVE webinar course covers essential exam concepts and directly follows the official NMLS/SAFE National Component and UST Component outlines. You will receive a comprehensive study guide, and audio/video of the class that you can use at any time to help you review essential study material, and several practice tests.

Our test preparation program has been updated to include TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule (TRID), New HUD Rules, and the New Borrowers Home Loan Tool Kit. (THIS COURSE IS FOR TEST PREPARATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT FOR NMLS CREDIT!)


What is an NMLS Number and Who Needs One?

What is an NMLS Number and Who Needs One?

Whether you’re aspiring to be a mortgage loan originator or studying to become one, chances are you’re curious about your NMLS number and have wondered, “Who needs an NMLS number and why is it so important.?” Let’s first understand - WHAT is the NMLS? And then, we can...